Year: 2016

SOC-STD 68CT: The Chinese Immigrant Experience in America

The Chinatown gate in Boston.

Chinese Immigrant Narratives The stories featured on this site grew out of a class project aimed at increasing understanding about Chinese immigrant and Chinese American experiences over time. Focusing in particular on the greater Boston area, which has a rapidly growing Asian American population and a thriving residential Chinatown that dates to the 1870s, we are interested in…Continue Reading SOC-STD 68CT: The Chinese Immigrant Experience in America

Yasmin Issari ’16

Yasmin Issari.

Our education is directly linked to us wanting to make a positive impact in this world. In SOC-STD 68EC: Education and Community in America we often discussed John Dewey’s perspectives on education. How he believed that to learn, we must do. But how he also believed that to learn, we must reflect on our doing….Continue Reading Yasmin Issari ’16