Day: September 23, 2023

Course Spotlight: Ecological Crisis: Witnessing and Planning in the Age of Climate Change

A screengrab of the photos and student reflections from their COVID-Diaries.

The members of Expos 20: Ecological Crisis – all first-years at Harvard – chose to enroll in an Engaged Scholarship course. That means they volunteered for the extra workload of a course oriented toward the community, including a final capstone project on climate justice in Boston, to be presented to our partners in 350 Massachusetts….Continue Reading Course Spotlight: Ecological Crisis: Witnessing and Planning in the Age of Climate Change

Course Spotlight: The Psychology of Women

How does being a woman affect our behavior, our evaluations of ourselves, and our interactions with others? This course examines psychological science on women and girls in western industrialized societies, addressing such topics as gender stereotypes, girlhood, women and work, relationships, pregnancy and motherhood, mental health, violence against women, and women in later adulthood. We…Continue Reading Course Spotlight: The Psychology of Women

CHEM 100R: Experimental Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Illustration of chemicals and cells.

Chem 100R is a project-based synthetic, physical organic, and chemical biology research course, where students conduct, present, and write about cutting-edge, faculty-derived research.  Students also learn to communicate about the broader applications of their research to nonscientific audiences. Letter to Congresswoman Katherine M. Clark…Continue Reading CHEM 100R: Experimental Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Ellie Taylor | Sociology 1130: Student Leadership and Service in Higher Education

Harvard campus in the fall.

52 student interns, many belonging to marginalized groups, are employed through internship programs at four offices under the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion branch of the Harvard College Dean of Students Office. This project explores student perception of the roles, their compensation, and their ability to effect change at both an office-wide and institutional level. Generally,…Continue Reading Ellie Taylor | Sociology 1130: Student Leadership and Service in Higher Education

Student Work Spotlight: Stephanie Tang

A painting featuring a green dragon.

Spanish 59: Spanish and the Community, Spring 2020 This project draws inspiration from the theory and imagery of Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza to depict the the idea of los intersticios, a space that individuals living between cultures create for themselves, reflecting on their experiences and forming new possibilities or realities….Continue Reading Student Work Spotlight: Stephanie Tang