Cambridge Common Voices (MUS 14: Harvard Radcliffe Collegium Musicum – Oh Be Swift / Do You Hear What I Hear…Continue Reading MUSIC 14 Sings Together
MUSIC 14 Sings Together

Cambridge Common Voices (MUS 14: Harvard Radcliffe Collegium Musicum – Oh Be Swift / Do You Hear What I Hear…Continue Reading MUSIC 14 Sings Together
A Harvard Engaged Scholarship Project at the Jewish Community for the Elderly In the fall semester of 2017, Harvard students of Professor Stephanie Sandler’s “Slavic 189: The Other Russia: Twenty-First Century Films, Fictions, States of Mind” visited the Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly at the Ulin House campus in Brighton, MA. There were a total…Continue Reading Course Spotlight: The Other Russia
This online Scalar book “Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard” features a collection of student multimedia essays developed in the course SOCIOL1130 Student Leadership and Service in Higher Education offered at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University. The book contains six volumes from six generations of students who have taken…Continue Reading Course Spotlight: Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard
The members of Expos 20: Ecological Crisis – all first-years at Harvard – chose to enroll in an Engaged Scholarship course. That means they volunteered for the extra workload of a course oriented toward the community, including a final capstone project on climate justice in Boston, to be presented to our partners in 350 Massachusetts….Continue Reading Course Spotlight: Ecological Crisis: Witnessing and Planning in the Age of Climate Change
How does being a woman affect our behavior, our evaluations of ourselves, and our interactions with others? This course examines psychological science on women and girls in western industrialized societies, addressing such topics as gender stereotypes, girlhood, women and work, relationships, pregnancy and motherhood, mental health, violence against women, and women in later adulthood. We…Continue Reading Course Spotlight: The Psychology of Women
Tyler Morris | Spanish and the Community, Spring 2020 This knit project represents the two worlds of Spanish speakers and English speakers coming together in the network of bilingualism, uniting us all together in a cohesive, intertwined community….Continue Reading Student Work Spotlight: Tyler Morris
Chem 100R is a project-based synthetic, physical organic, and chemical biology research course, where students conduct, present, and write about cutting-edge, faculty-derived research. Students also learn to communicate about the broader applications of their research to nonscientific audiences. Letter to Congresswoman Katherine M. Clark…Continue Reading CHEM 100R: Experimental Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Alejandro Eduarte – Spanish and the Community, Spring 2020 My podcast involves the intersection of Latinx music, history, and music-therapy strategies for mental health improvement….Continue Reading Student Work Spotlight: Alejandro Eduarte
Henry Villarreal | Spanish and the Community, Spring 2020 My project is made to have the Mexica (the indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico) Mother goddess, Coatlicue, in the form of the Virgen of Guadalupe (La virgen morena). Coatlicue represents the indigeneity of Mexico and the mix of indigenous and Spanish religion. The Virgen…Continue Reading Student Work Spotlight: Henry Villarreal
La ciudad de Nashua Sophie Kim Spanish 59: Spanish and the Community, Spring 2020…Continue Reading Student Work Spotlight: Sophie Kim